Thursday, May 13, 2010

"I Had A Dream"

As Martian Luther King once said, "I Have A Dream," I too have encountered this wonderful and awakening dream,

I had a dream once that I could save the world, I began writing, continuously on end; writing without hesitation, of beautiful lands, of co-existence, of peace, of brotherhood and unity, of a way for humanity to drop the swords and raise the flower……..
In this dream my words became the magical ingredient to assisting humanity with their hopes, dreams and beliefs to discovering a means to a peaceful co-existence.

In this dream I wrote of our struggles, of our daily confusions, doubts and discouragements. I shared our passions for happiness and love and our distain for heartbreak and loss.

In this dream I realized that I wanted to create a world that symbolized you and me, that spoke to each of us and that compelled one another to self-empowerment. I realized that this dream became my reality, that it wasn’t all just a dream but a mirror of what I was feeling and desiring to tell and share.

In the end I painted a story with words outlining everything a human being encounters on our individual journeys.

It was upon these great dreams that I prompted to write and write and write until the pen could give no more, until my paper ran dry and my mind was so overloaded by words it had to shut down.

I wrote endlessly through every encounter I experienced in my life and I began to write in the eyes of others and how I saw events and emotions of those closest and away from me. These pieces of work are all a collection of every observation and experience I have been able to be a part of. Now my dream has turned into a real reality where I can share these profound thoughts with you, whoever and whatever you may be.

I have always dreamed to be a musician or a poet, so in exchange for not having great technical structure and knowledge in either category I have come up with a new form of writing called “Poestry” an in-between of both. This is a parallel universe of writing where technical and knowledge become obsolete, and the power of the mind, pen and paper is allowed to wander off into its own unregulated fantasy.

I write with no structure in mind but instead let the words come through me and completely out of me. I find it is so important for an artistic mind to not have to be bombarded by structure and order, that is not what the word expression is about; it should solely be focused on the free-flowing connection of mind, body and soul through whatever develops in that experience.

With that connection we can allow ourselves to awaken the most vulnerable of ideas within us to create a magnificent portrait of all that surrounds our thoughts, actions and minds. We are most beautiful when left to openly express ourselves without confinements and restrictions, and this is what my writing will represent.

I leave you all with the thought that: words are one of humans most powerful gifts, if we use them properly we can display the most unimaginable beauty unto our fellow human beings and encourage them and ourselves to spread their words wonderfully around......May the power of the pen and paper be with you...


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