Friday, May 14, 2010

Bittersweet Bubble

Where do I put this hurt?
It’s so bad
It’s so bad
Others far worse than I
Yet I feel
I have this relentless ache
Like I died,
Like I’ve cried a million times,
Where can I go?
To put this all aside
There’s a loss so bad
That I can’t shake,
I can’t lock it,
I can’t run it,
There’s no freedom in my heart
Love has abandoned me;
Fate has brought us together
And it has torn us apart
My cupid has failed me
If he has a gun,
Shoot me,
I need its metal bullet
To crush my existing heart
This sorrow hits sourly,
I am hate,
The hate that burns
It wishes my heart away;
I am an eternal emptiness
Drifting into a sickening seclusion
I do not want reality,
Everything is so real there
All it gives me is falsity
In its hopeless bubble I am lost
It forces me to believe
It forces me to realize
That I am alone
That he is gone,
And I am here,
Wishing him back
Like a pathetic fool,
I ponder him,
When he’s already far gone
When his lips have erased my name
I’m still here
Cradled in this mess
Plagued with questions
Responded by with empty answers
They haunt me
They tease me
They rip me apart
And leave me for dead
I climb
I claw
To leave this place
But it’s a long prison sentence
That may forever have my heart;
It hasn’t numbed yet,
It remains,
It stays,
Forever bittersweet

To My Dear Sweet JB..The Bittersweet endings of a relationship are always tough and for some the wounds are everlasting, may your wisdom, strength and compassion help you to get through this tough time..Im Here XxX

1 comment:

  1. Thank you darling. This is a beautiful depiction of human nature and the struggles we go through. You are an inspiration Rocky - such beautiful messages!
